Thursday, November 12, 2015

ITS HAPPENING HERE TOO:"Dean of Claremont McKenna College Resigns After Students Protest Racial Bias and Marginalization"

I actually support the blacks in some of these protests. They deserve to be given normal equality & respect. And I don't think anybody should have to endure mean or hateful comments or gestures.regardless of ethnicity,skin color,religion,or even sexual orientation. And I say that even as a white Christian male who believes that heterosexual marriage and relationships are God's intention. I believe in God's intentions for creation,but don't believe in forcing it on others. If they don't accept it, that's their choice. However,alternatively,we shouldn't be forced as traditional Christians to endorse any non-Christian lifestyles either. We can accept it without endorsing it. However, I don't believe we can or should accept abortion because that is not a consensual choice (on the part of the baby). I believe we should make a stand for the babies similar to the fight to set slaves free,ie civil war. I know some will argue the civil war was not truly just about slavery,etc etc,but that's besides the point. If we fought to set slaves free ,how much more so should we fight to keep babies from being killed. I am at that point,but will not do it alone. I will fight when enough others to constitute a significant amount have the backbone to fight also. At such point we will form an "army" and will not shoot or kill until we are shot upon first,at which point it is self-defense and the defense of innocent lives (ie babies ) . Once sides are clearly drawn,it becomes civil war. I believe that,like slavery, this is the only way abortion will ever be finally defeated. How did I go off on this tangent I don't know,but I know I have been ruminating about this for some time,more so after I asked a "professor" at a pro-life conference "if and when will we ever fight a civil war to end the killing of unborn lives" and he answered,predictably,and erroneously, that we can never turn to "violence" to further our goals,and that if we do so we also fail to convert hearts to our side,even if we temporarily save baby lives. His notion was that our goal is to actually pray& hope that adults will come to the pro-life position voluntarily over time with enough education,rallies,protests,etc. The only problem is that if we are defending unborn human lives,we are not using "violence" against anybody. We are using self-defense. If a cop uses deadly force to kill somebody with a gun,do we say the cop was using "violence"? No,we say it was self-defense and the possible defense of others. Likewise with unborn babies. Yes,it would be violence,,even murder,to take a gun to a planned parenthood and start shooting the workers. Although it is arguably not murder nor violence if we were to enter the PP and confront a doctor in the midst of conducting an abortion and ordering him (or her) to stop immediately. And if the doctor refused according to God's law we would have the right to use physical force to stop the doctor. We would not have the right to kill the doctor unless he threatened us with deadly force. But that's not my vision. My vision is more in regard to first of all compiling a very very large group of like-minded persons to blockade a PP. Then,refusing to move when the police come. They would try to arrest us. We would resist. We would not use deadly force against the police unless they did so to us first. And we would have to be persistent,and it wouldn't become "war" right away,. It would require persistent repetition and increased #'s. And we might not need deadly force at all. We might convert enough police et al to our side just by significant #'s. That would be ideal. We would only use force if our lives were threatened. All of this,of course, would require people to leave home & comfort. It would be similar what "occupy wall street" did several years ago. It would take persistence,self-sacrifice,tenacity,determination,and even possibly our own lives. But that's what we do when we fight for something we really believe in. Like fight in world war 2,or world war 1. Or the civil war. Black lives matter! All lives matter! Unborn lives matter! It ALl Ties together. These univeristy protestors need to also consider whether they are willing to defend unborn lives,and I think they are. I think all of the "lives matter" threads will come together sooner or later and create a wave too big to stop. A wave of true kindness that cares about ALL lives,born & unborn (or pre-born).