Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Y I cross the road when I see women or minorities approaching

unfortunately, despite being a good citizen, and usually decently-dressed (ie not looking like a hoodlum) I've experienced mistreatment by minorities & sometimes women in general as we approach one another going different directions on the sidewalk (when I occassionally decide to walk to somewhere, or just take a walk) . One time I had to walk to a rental car place because my car was being worked on overnight at the mechanic. It was in a latino section of OC (santa ana) and a latina (female latino) was approaching me on the sidewalk in the middle of the day, with traffic on the street and she made a concerted effort to show she disapproved of me by crossing the wide avenue to make sure she didn't walk past me. I don't believe it was out of genuine cautious apprehension as much as it was to deliberately signal distrust of me as a form of marginalization (ie social engineering). This is how immigrant minorities really screw up society and cause social consternation. It grieves me in my soul to be treated as such when I am a good citizen and have no ill will or bad intentions toward any others. This was not the only time but it stands out in my mind. And because of this, I now take pre-emptive action if I see a woman or minorities approaching by crossing the road before they can do it to me; maybe they are decent and had no bad intentions of doing what the santa ana lady did to me, but I don't want to be made to feel bad, so I take pre-emptive action to avoid negative feelings. This is southern California. I am a single white male and a good citizen and graduated from college with honors (BA/BA/M.Div) but nefarious others can make me seem or feel otherwise. Shame on them. I don't know how much longer I can last here.
