Thursday, August 1, 2013


7/28/13 MEDIA REPORTS re JUROR B29 are MISLEADING,(funny that slatest is reporting this, aren't they usually on the liberal side? Now they're doing "newsbuster" material?) search:title,"got away with murder" ,maddy,*read more at
"...did George Zimmerman get away with murder? That's
what one of his jurors says, according to headlines in
the New York Times, Washington Post , Los Angeles
Times , Chicago Tribune , and dozens of other
The reports are based on an ABC News interview with
Juror B29, the sole nonwhite juror. She has identified
herself only by her first name, Maddy. She's been
framed as the woman who was bullied out of voting to
convict Zimmerman. But that's not true. She stands by
the verdict. She yielded to the evidence and the law,
not to bullying. She thinks Zimmerman was morally
culpable but not legally guilty. And she wants us to
distinguish between this trial and larger questions of
race and justice...."
"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen,
slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19,Posted by VK
*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!) (pula)
*Read the Bible Daily & Connect w/ Believers
*Pray 4Chapels in the Public Schools (p4cps)
*Stop Violence v Women! (svw)
--Say NO to ALL Abusive Relationships (snaar)
*Be a Suicide Stopper! (bass)Give Hope!
*Fight4Kindness, (f4k)
--Commit Kindness Actions (CoKA)
*LoveOneAnother (aLOhA)
*I baptize you in the name of the Father-Son-&-Holy Spirit ! (Re Matt 28:18-20)