Sunday, November 22, 2015

THIS HELPS,TO KNOW THEIR STORIES,but "Syrian refugees detail their daring escapes, new life in Michigan" |

THIS HELPS,TO KNOW THEIR STORIES,but so often the liberals coach them to not tell anybody anything about themselves. So when we try to get to know them & help them they actually seem standoffish,at least here in southern Cal. I remember once asking a new nurse with a significant accent where she was from and she gasped as if I had committed a serious faux paux (social blunder). Why?! Its very clear to most of us who grew up here when somebody is not from here. We just want to know their story. They can ask me anything about ME,why can't I ask about them?

Mohammad and his brother, Kossai, who also resettled
in Grand Rapids with his wife and two small children, are
among those who say they wanted nothing to do with
the conflict...."

Saturday, November 21, 2015

see 6:30 mark of video: "Here’s Why That Preacher Got Punched at Mizzou | Daily Wire


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9

" WATCH: Ben Shapiro's Address at Mizzou - 'The Truth is a Microaggression' | Daily Wire,chk

not sure I agree with all Ben has to say, but some of it is definitely "spot-on"


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9

Re PEOPLE WRITING THREATS TO THEMSELVES: "The Top 10 False Claims of Racism on Campus | Daily Wire

BLACK STUDENT HOAX THREAT: "Brit Hume Relays ‘Shocking’ Finding About Student Who Said ‘I’m Going to Shoot Every Black Person’…"

Student who posted 'I'm going to
shoot every black person I can on
campus' ... is black -"

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

( i disagree with my fellow conservatives calling black students "spoiled") 11/17/15 MESSAGE TO BEN SHAPIRO @ 870am THE ANSWER re BLACK STUDENTS AT MIZZOU

apparently Ben Shapiro is going to Mizzou to speak and tell them they are acting "spoiled" (see link at bottom) 
NORMALLY i AGREE WITH MUCH of what my fellow conservatives say on the radio (ie ben shapiro, rush limbaugh, mark levin, dennis prager, michael savage, et al), but I disagree with most of them in regard to calling the black students at "Mizzou" (university of missouri, columbia) spoiled or wimpy etc for protesting hurtful language & gestures aimed at them.

There's the old saying "Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you" . I disagree with this saying. WORDS can be VERY hurtful, sometimes more so than physical violence. And words can even be used to demote people to lower positions, and to even defeat them in court , sometimes creating "legal fiction", and doing damage to those not sophisticated with the art of using language to defeat people. 

And the same people tell the black students NOT to use violence; nor to "talk back" , nor to protest peacefully as they are doing . Essentially they are telling the black students to "take it like a man" and do nothing at all. It's LUDICROUS. 

They have the right to be outraged by the derogatory words and language used against them, and the hunger strike & football walk-out was the perfect response. I don't know if the resignation of the president was necessary, but the president obviously was not being very assertive or vocal or showing much support for his own black students, so maybe it was the right thing.

 And I say all this as a WHITE MALE in defense of the black students. I say this because I also know how hurtful words can be and as a Christian I try to refrain from using them against others, but have been a victim of hurtful language myself.

 YES, IT HURTS, and we have a right and obligation to say it hurts, and it's NOT RIGHT. i do NOT understand these conservatives who say "BE A MAN" about such things. IN fact, the black students MUST do something, and it cannot be violent, nor retaliating likewise with words aimed at those who are trying to denigrate them. 

My fellow conservatives are putting these black students in a double-bind. Traditionally, there's a lot of black males in prison, and part of the reason is because they've been denigrated, and told they can't do anything about it. They can't respond violently, and if they complain they are told to "BE A MAN " about it. 

They end up SILENCED and sometimes on the street if they do nothing; and if they respond violently they end up in prison. The black students at Mizzou figured out the ONLY thing they can do is peaceful, passive response such as hunger strike, and walking off the football team. 

It is EXACTLY the right response, and the only thing they can do without ending up in prison or completely emasculated. Shame on my fellow conservatives for saying they are un-manly for "whining" about being called names. That's wrong. And I don't understand why Ben Shapiro is calling them "spoiled"...and jumping on the bandwagon of saying the black students need to "man up" and just take it. 

Especially Ben Shapiro who is Jewish...he knows the history of the holocaust. Does he think what his Jewish ancestors did was the right response? being taken into concentration camps without resistance ? That's manly ?  

I don't want to open a can of worms about  the holocaust, that's a whole different story, but it does seem odd that Ben Shapiro would say the black students response is not appropriate. I JUST DON'T AGREE with my fellow conservatives this time around. 

I say to my fellow conservatives to MAN UP THEMSELVES and defend the black students from being denigrated. That's what our MANLY ancestors did to free them from slavery...AND what we need to continue doing. When we see UNKINDNESS we need to speak up against it, and join our black brothers & sisters in protesting against it. 

also see


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9

Saturday, November 14, 2015

MEXICANS STRIKE BACK: "Donald Trump the gringo bogeyman? Mexican theatre troupe lampoons Republican presidential candidate"

"There is no shortage of indignation over such
proposals. A group of 67 Latin American artists,
writers, actors and scientists this week published
an open letter about Trump's "hateful discourse",
and called on people to "remember the historic
campaigns against other ethnic groups that ended
with millions dead..."

Thursday, November 12, 2015

ITS HAPPENING HERE TOO:"Dean of Claremont McKenna College Resigns After Students Protest Racial Bias and Marginalization"

I actually support the blacks in some of these protests. They deserve to be given normal equality & respect. And I don't think anybody should have to endure mean or hateful comments or gestures.regardless of ethnicity,skin color,religion,or even sexual orientation. And I say that even as a white Christian male who believes that heterosexual marriage and relationships are God's intention. I believe in God's intentions for creation,but don't believe in forcing it on others. If they don't accept it, that's their choice. However,alternatively,we shouldn't be forced as traditional Christians to endorse any non-Christian lifestyles either. We can accept it without endorsing it. However, I don't believe we can or should accept abortion because that is not a consensual choice (on the part of the baby). I believe we should make a stand for the babies similar to the fight to set slaves free,ie civil war. I know some will argue the civil war was not truly just about slavery,etc etc,but that's besides the point. If we fought to set slaves free ,how much more so should we fight to keep babies from being killed. I am at that point,but will not do it alone. I will fight when enough others to constitute a significant amount have the backbone to fight also. At such point we will form an "army" and will not shoot or kill until we are shot upon first,at which point it is self-defense and the defense of innocent lives (ie babies ) . Once sides are clearly drawn,it becomes civil war. I believe that,like slavery, this is the only way abortion will ever be finally defeated. How did I go off on this tangent I don't know,but I know I have been ruminating about this for some time,more so after I asked a "professor" at a pro-life conference "if and when will we ever fight a civil war to end the killing of unborn lives" and he answered,predictably,and erroneously, that we can never turn to "violence" to further our goals,and that if we do so we also fail to convert hearts to our side,even if we temporarily save baby lives. His notion was that our goal is to actually pray& hope that adults will come to the pro-life position voluntarily over time with enough education,rallies,protests,etc. The only problem is that if we are defending unborn human lives,we are not using "violence" against anybody. We are using self-defense. If a cop uses deadly force to kill somebody with a gun,do we say the cop was using "violence"? No,we say it was self-defense and the possible defense of others. Likewise with unborn babies. Yes,it would be violence,,even murder,to take a gun to a planned parenthood and start shooting the workers. Although it is arguably not murder nor violence if we were to enter the PP and confront a doctor in the midst of conducting an abortion and ordering him (or her) to stop immediately. And if the doctor refused according to God's law we would have the right to use physical force to stop the doctor. We would not have the right to kill the doctor unless he threatened us with deadly force. But that's not my vision. My vision is more in regard to first of all compiling a very very large group of like-minded persons to blockade a PP. Then,refusing to move when the police come. They would try to arrest us. We would resist. We would not use deadly force against the police unless they did so to us first. And we would have to be persistent,and it wouldn't become "war" right away,. It would require persistent repetition and increased #'s. And we might not need deadly force at all. We might convert enough police et al to our side just by significant #'s. That would be ideal. We would only use force if our lives were threatened. All of this,of course, would require people to leave home & comfort. It would be similar what "occupy wall street" did several years ago. It would take persistence,self-sacrifice,tenacity,determination,and even possibly our own lives. But that's what we do when we fight for something we really believe in. Like fight in world war 2,or world war 1. Or the civil war. Black lives matter! All lives matter! Unborn lives matter! It ALl Ties together. These univeristy protestors need to also consider whether they are willing to defend unborn lives,and I think they are. I think all of the "lives matter" threads will come together sooner or later and create a wave too big to stop. A wave of true kindness that cares about ALL lives,born & unborn (or pre-born).

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

WHAT'S WRONG w/ BEING FAIR TO LEGAL IMMIGRANTS? "Trump's Immigration Solution: Bring Back Controversial 'Operation Wetback'" - NBC News

" If u declare with your mouth,
“Jesus is Lord,” &
 believe in your  
that God
 raised Him
 from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
                                            Romans 10.9

GREETINGS ! I INVITE U2 accept JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR TODAY, RIGHT NOW, OR ANYTIME, & BE SAVED ! Don't wait until it is TOO LATE. Don't Hesitate. The consequences are TOO GREAT.! Humble yourself. You CANNOT do it alone. None of us can. Guaranteed 100% FAILURE RATE for those who try to GO IT ALONE. Kneel down now and say to Jesus, "Sorry & Thank you, I surrender to YOU, LORD, & Commit my LIFE 2 U, now & forever" 

PRAY 4 OUR BLACK BROTHERS & SISTERS: "In US, threat to 'shoot every black person "I see' | News24

Monday, November 9, 2015

"U. Missouri president resigns over handling of racial incidents" - The Washington Post

BREAKING: "U. Missouri president resigns over handling of racial incidents "- The Washington Post

"U. Missouri president resigns over handling of racial incidents ...
My motivation in making this decision comes from
love , " Wolfe said . " I love MU , Columbia, where I grew
up , the state of Missouri ." But after thinking greatly
over the situation he concluded resigning " is the right
thing to do ."..."

WHITES DECLINING,BLACKS ON RISE (Asians highest): "As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water ..."

In 1950 whites and blacks were respectively 27.98% and
8.97% of world
population. By 2060 these figures will almost reverse as
blacks surge
to 25.38% and whites shrink to 9.76%. From 2010 the
white population
will decline while blacks will add 1.2 billion to their
numbers. In
this time frame the the Indian subcontinent will gain
1.2 billion


Let's face it. Racism against whites is probably the worst of all forms of racism.

"Larry David to Collect $5,000 for Calling Donald Trump a 'Racist' on 'SNL'"

Monday, November 2, 2015



If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9

THIS IS THE ANSWER FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS: "New town of 8,500 homes proposed east of Coachella"

We have PLENTY PLENTY PLENTY of open space in the USA & California,and the small communities east of indio (coachella,thermal,mecca,etc) ,out toward salton sea, where I started out as a teacher are an example of mostly-Latino (many "illegal) immigrant communities doing fine,and enjoying their own comraderie. Instead of a wall or trying to export all illegals,the answer is to start planned communities for them to build & live in themselves.